Jonathan - better known now as Jessica Yaniv has been blowing up on the internet and news lately, however their story and line of disgusting acts did not just start recently. This person has been a danger to society for many, many years.

Where to begin with Jessica Yaniv...between preying on underage girls, pressing charges and suing just about anyone who even slightly stands in their path, sharing racial thoughts on immigrants, and assaulting multiple people - I thought I would start with my personal experience with Jonathan Yaniv.
Yaniv first contacted me, like many other under-aged females, on a website known as Ask.Fm, a site where anyone can create a profile and send questions to anyone else on the site and choose to appear anonymous or seen. Jonathan always appeared anonymous to me when asking questions, however I always knew it was the same person due to the questions being asked. Like others, I was asked questions about pads and feminine products, being led to believe that this individual was embarrassed about a sweat problem that caused them to be advised by a doctor to wear pads, at 16 I just wanted to help this person and relieve their embarrassment. It wasn't until the questions about entering women's bathrooms that I began to feel suspicious about this person's ulterior motives. Questions varied from simply entering the opposite sex's washroom, claiming it was for more comfort, to giving young girls the age of 12 advise on how to insert a tampon. One can only assume that someone with male genitals would not have much knowledge, or experience, with such act.
Not long after these back and forth anonymous questions and answers, I received a friend request on Facebook from Jonathan Yaniv. He quickly explained that he was the one from Ask.Fm, and began messaging me directly there. The conversations were always about feminine products and women's bathrooms. Yaniv was very pushy when it came to complimenting me though. He would often want a response, a positive one, and would press on about if I liked what he was saying. He often made sexual comments and "jokes" towards me or just in general, which as a 16 year old talking to a stranger who claimed to have been in his late 20's made me fairly uncomfortable.
Yaniv had messaged me regarding an event coming up in Las Vegas, claiming there was a woman he had known for 3 years and had plans of proposing to her in front of an audience. He also claimed that they were sharing a hotel room together, and had asked various questions ranging from feminine products to sexual advise with this woman. After the trip, I received multiple messages about how this woman was horrid to him and the whole trip was turned upside down. At 16, I felt a bit bad for him. Now, at 21, I know his actions and words towards this woman must have been as unsettling to her as they are to me, and I now feel bad for her.
Jonathan Yaniv was aware of my age, and had no issues chatting to me about very personal matters, making sexualized comments towards me directly, and confessing his attractions towards me at any moment he could. Yaniv would comment publicly on every post I made via Facebook, making not only myself but friends and family uncomfortable as well.
That is where it all started with Jonathan Yaniv and myself, and why I need to write this article. For years the police have done nothing, as Yaniv has not actually crossed the border into illegal territory, merely pranced around it's edges - knowingly. Yaniv has contacted multiple underaged females, which you will read about below, as well as assaulted people, faked disability, and filed countless lawsuits against different businesses for no reason other than unjustified self liberation and media attention. Here is all the information you need to know on Dangerous Yaniv:
Messaging Under-Aged Females
Two teen girls under the initials of H and M, due to privacy reasons, were reached out to by Yaniv by a tactic he used often - a band he claimed to be personal with, and even manage:
Yaniv initially made contact with one of the girls through a website known as Omegle, a site people of all ages use with a webcam to chat with others all over the world, being matched by the website using similar interests, in this case it was Cimorelli. After some contact on here, Yaniv reached out to her via Facebook. Yaniv got in close with this teen by sending her "unreleased songs" and "unknown facts" about them, leading her to believe he was a trustworthy person.

Unfortunately, even 9 years old isn't off limits for Yaniv. Making uncomfortable comments such as suggesting he will "plug her hole" and that "she will learn someday" to her, then, 17 year old sister via Facebook Messenger. M claims that this was the only time Yaniv had said anything about her younger sister, and that it was just a momentarily uncomfortable occurrence..however, it makes me wonder if he didn't say more comments out loud - how many did he think?
Things started to go awry between M and Yaniv when he began to compliment her, telling her how attractive she was and that he had desires to date her despite fully knowing her teen age, even making a point to confirm it multiple times. Yaniv also started to press on about sexting, and even asked M to pick out and send him porn videos from pornographic websites. This is the same time Yaniv began speaking to her about feminine products, which M at the time was unaware of how inappropriate these kinds of questions and conversation was coming from a 27 year old. Yaniv made a point to let M know an old photo of her, 12 years old, was "cute". A rather uncomfortable comment for an adult man to make to a teenager.

Yaniv had told many lies about wearing pads, lies from having a vagina and a menstrual cycle to having a condition that causes him to sweat profusely, having penile discharge, and that he urinates in them. Each of these lies led to the same conversation of entering the woman's public washroom, and conversing with them about not only pads but tampons as well - a product only a woman with a vagina could use.
The Vegas woman was also brought up with M, much like she was to me. The conversation was similar, Yaniv asked about stealing her pads, or simply asking to use them and how he would go about doing so. However, after the event M received messages from Yaniv stating the trip to Vegas with this woman did not go as planned, and that he had received this email from her:
Another young girl, this time 14, under the name of Jessica Rumpel had even filed a child exploitation report against Jonathan Yaniv with CyberTip. Jessica, now 20 years old, was contacted initially through Ask.Fm, being asked similar questions that were asked of myself, H, and M about feminine products. The conversation then moved to a messaging app popularly used by teens called Kik. Kik is also known by law protection for it's high usage by cyber predators.

Yaniv never expressed any desire to change his gender, in fact many girls he had contacted back then stated the opposite - that he seemed very comfortable with his sexuality and who he identified as. Rumpel believes Yaniv actually instead had a fetish for such things as feminine products, women's washrooms, and even wearing women's clothing as he had sent her photos of himself wearing women's jeans.

The conversation with Rumpel quickly turned sexual, with Yaniv hinting towards him feeling "horny" despite her being now 15, even going so far as to call her a "titty queen". He had also expressed the desire to want to marry her, and even expressed that he "wished she were 16" so that he could "do anything with her".
Yaniv always diverted the conversation back to feminine products, and even pressed Rumpel to send him a photo of her removed tampon to "tell her if she did it correctly". I'm fairly positive no man I know has the knowledge about correct and incorrect tampon removing, especially by just viewing a photo of the removed tampon - probably even women don't have such extensive knowledge.

Yaniv reportedly was telling these young females that he was 17 years old, when in fact at the time he was 27. An entire decade older.
Rumpel had later received messages from other girls after she had called Yaniv out on Ask.Fm. Many girls stated that they had had similar experiences with Yaniv and that he was not to be trusted.

More recently, Jessica Rumpel had noticed that Jonathan Yaniv had followed her on Twitter, now under the name Jessica Yaniv. This leads me to wonder if whether this name choice was by random, or has a deeper meaning behind it?
Jessica Yaniv has been asked about all of the teens stated above, with the same response - Yaniv has no idea who these people are.
Yaniv has also reportedly recently sent teenage girls as young as 15 graphic videos via Snapchat App and Skype through a Skype group of them-self masturbating on camera whilst moaning Blaire White's name. This was brought directly to Blaire White's attention by a YouTuber, which she shared in a video here:
Filing Human Rights Complaints and Suing
South Asian owned salon in Vancouver, BC under the name of She Point Beauty Studio was under Jessica's Human Rights wrath in August of 2018 after Jessica had initially attempted to get a female's wax by insisting they were a lady, with full female anatomy. When they finally confessed that they weren't and still asked for a leg wax, the salon simply stated that their workers were not comfortable with the procedure on a male, and that they would not force their employees to do work they did not want to do.
It is important that I state that this company is owned and ran by South Asian workers due to Yaniv's past of inappropriate and racial comments towards mostly Asian cultures. Mnay people upon hearing the news of their recent court complaints had noted that, and suspected it may have more to do with race, not what Yaniv is actually filing for.

The women involved in this desperate attempt at some publicity, and a lump-sum of $6K cash had some luck during the trials. It seemed as though Yaniv's terrible need for attention was put to a holt when the judge ruled him to pay each woman involved in the lawsuit (three) $2000(CAD). Yaniv was said to have given inconsistent and untruthful evidence during the claim, which resulted in them being suspected of abusing the process and simply in it for the financial gain.
An esthetician expert was present at the trial, and stated that the waxing of male and female genitalia were two different practices, therefore needed two different educations/knowledge to be able to safely perform. Not declining Yaniv's demands could have resulted in a huge liability issue, as the practice is dangerous.
A screenshot message from Yaniv sent to my personal Snapchat was received March 10th, 2020 about yet another waxing salon that clearly stated to Yaniv that they only offer services to women. Yaniv yet again responds with, "I am a woman." When declined service due to being trans-gendered. I smell another court date approaching. How many times does this person have to attempt to sue and owe money to these people before they realize having male genitals means you are not appropriate for the services these companies are offering? And having male genitalia but pretending to have female's doesn't entitle you to a Human Rights lawsuit when you can't get your balls waxed.

Using TransLink's Free Services For A Fake Disability
David Menzies of TheRebel.Media did an outstanding report regarding one of Yaniv's stunts back in August of 2019. Yaniv can be seen riding around on a mobility scooter for disabled persons, and entering a transport vehicle designed specifically for Trans-gendered people of BC, the service is free and paid for by the taxpayers in BC. In other words - Yaniv is using a "free" service for a fake disability and using taxpayers money to do so.
Yaniv suddenly started using the mobility scooter as a desperate attempt to seem more victimized and gain sympathy from the public. They can also be seen around with a cane. Although, Yaniv has also been caught on film on multiple occasions out of her scooter, and even running very well. They have actually used their cane as a weapon to hit reporters, and have attempted to chase them away. Know any disabled people who can do that? Me neither.
View the video report by David Menzies here:
Yaniv's Assault And Weapon Charges
In January of this year, Keean Bexte of Rebel News was physically punched in the back of the head by Jessica Yaniv outside of the Surrey, British Columbia Courthouse. Yaniv was at the courthouse under charges for prohibited weapons, including a taser which are illegal in Canada.
Rebel Media reporter Sheila Gunn Reid has been following the story on these assault and weapon charges at the Surrey Courthouse since they began in early August of 2019. Reid has had to bring along two bodyguards with her, as well as a lawyer, each trip she takes to do these reportings due to Yaniv's aggressive behavior towards two of her colleagues, one including Keean Bexte.
Yaniv had brandished the illegal taser to Blaire White, a transgender and political communicator, during a live YouTube debate, and was shortly put into handcuffs after the live video for having a prohibited weapon, and flashing it on the video camera.
After a search of Yaniv's home, RCMP officers had found two conducted energy weapons, bear mace, and pepper spray. Another report regarding child pornography was actively under investigation at the time.
Yaniv is currently being sued for the assault of Keean Baxte and David Menzies, the two reporters above who work with Gunn Reid at Rebel News. Most of Yaniv's victim's were unfortunately immigrant women who had no idea how to fight his claims on their own. Yaniv currently has several "restricted access" files, and it is unclear to the public exactly what those files entail.
Sheila Gunn Reid was filmed, alongside her bodyguards, asking Jessica Yaniv if they plan to plead guilty on the assault charges involving her colleagues, to which Yaniv's mother lunged at her and attempted to assault her as well. It seems the entire Yaniv family loves to resort to shouting and flailing of hands instead of acting rational and using their words. Another video surfaced of Yaniv's mother cussing at the camera and telling the reporter she was going to hit her if she did not leave, although it was Yaniv's mother, in fact, who was following the reporter to make said threats.
It's terrifying to think that Yaniv will put their hands on someone simply for asking questions they don't like, not only their hands but use a cane as well. Just think what Yaniv could have done if they had their tasers or bear mace on them at the time.
The RCMP is working to put away Yaniv, but let's be honest - the RCMP is part of the "politically correct" society, the society that believes in justice for all, as long as you're a "minority" that is. In other words - this fake trans-gendered predator and assaulter will roam free just as they've been doing with zero repercussions. Luckily, Rebel News is filing a Civil Lawsuit against Yaniv in which they will stand as plaintiff, which means Jessica Yaniv could finally be put away for up to 5 years. You'll definitely find me celebrating when that happens.
To Conclude This Article
Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv is a dangerous individual, someone who has proven over and over again, year after year, that they are more than capable of performing multiple heinous acts including preying on teenage girls as young as 14 years old - and proving that even 9 years old isn't an issue for him, carrying and proudly displaying illegal weapons - and proving they are a dangerous enough person to lash out irrationally and use these weapons if given the chance, luckily they were not, performing and blatantly attempting assaults on multiple people with no problem having them on camera due to their police-escorted protection, as well as having the confidence to sit in a courthouse and attempt to wrongfully sue multiple minority businesses for simply not offering the services they specifically wanted, and to top the cake: using taxpayers money to ride around on a mobility scooter to gain the public's sympathy and media's attention by faking a disability.

It gets to the point that you have to ask yourself - why is this individual allowed to roam the streets of BC, or anywhere, freely and continuously perform these horrible acts with little to no repercussions? Do you feel safe with someone like this freely roaming the streets, and the internet, with yourself, younger people in your life, and your children out there? How does Jonathan Yaniv sleep at night?
Yaniv once danced around the borderline of illegal acts when messaging young females, however this individual had branched out into performing more and more acts, inching closer to the side of illegal, and actually crossing into it a few times.

This person is an absolute menace to society, and although they have not yet been taken down by the law permanently, I have high hopes that this article will provide readers with tons of insight on just how dangerous Jonathan Yaniv is, and exactly what makes them such a danger to society.
If you, or anyone you know, has any additional information on Yaniv, from any time period, please feel free to contact me at to discuss the further exposing of this disgusting individual. I personally promise that you will remain completely anonymous, unless you choose otherwise. Thank you in advance for your help in providing further information and keeping our readers more educated and safer in the world that Yaniv is allowed to roam free in.
A personal thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my article. I hope that this provided an immense amount of information and facts on this individual, and that together we can finally shut Dangerous Yaniv down and put them behind bars, where they rightfully belong.